Lawyer Raghu Kumar Pamarthi

Supreme Court of India

The Soldier's Girl

You complain when

you haven't met your

love for a one day........

I say step into my

shoes and then see

how it feels to be

away for months........

You girls' complain

when he hasn't taken

you out on a date....

I say step into my

shoes and see

how it feels when

we haven't gone

out even for a drive

for months.....

For you distance

matters a lot...

I say step into my

shoes then distance matters

when I see him fight

in the battle field...

You all say true love

is not alive.....

I say step into my

shoe and then

you will know

what is love....

Love is when you

can even go to

the extent of

marrying your

love who was killed......

My love was killed

for a reason..

for he was a

gentleman of true spirit

To all the young girls

over there,be proud of the

fact that true love exits....

when you are in love

with soldier remember

always True love never dies

for the two souls can not

be separated......